June is for Joy!

Sunsational Time of Year!

I hope you are enjoying the warmer weather and taking advantage of the sunshine- and all its numerous benefits! It's not recommended to be exposed too long in the heat of the day, but a walk in the morning while the sun is rising or in the evening before it sets makes for a nice time to get some physical activity. Here are my top 5 benefits of the sun:

  1. Protects against vitamin D deficiency
  2. Rejuvenates aging eyes
  3. Improves immune system
  4. Supports healthy bones
  5. Enhances mood and eases mild depression

Wellness For Life

AVOW Health and Wellness just turned two years old! Yes, we're still in infancy stage and growing every day. Here's a rundown of what we have been up to!

  • We have had the opportunity to help women define their vision and create a path to a more fulfilled life in our Vision Board Planning For Success course.
  • We were blessed to receive a grant to provide specialized wellness courses to a select group of teachers and educators to help foster more resilience and better deal with mental stress at work.
  • We have helped create wellness plans for a handful of women who are now on the right track to living their best wellness lives.

Finding Your Peace

Is it me or does it seem like every time you are on a good track, working towards your goals, that some challenge comes along to derail you, discourage you, and threaten your sense of peace. It's no secret that we have an enemy among us, prowling around looking for someone to devour. We can't let that happen! It's time to take our peace back!

Coming Soon! Our newest spiritual wellness course entitled, "Finding My Peace". In this mini-course, you will discover the benefit of meditation and the importance of prayer to maintain a peaceful life. This is a self-led, on-demand course with me guiding you through the activities.

Prayer is you talking to God. Meditation is God talking to you.

Guiding the Next Generation of PA Leaders

As I was thinking about healthcare disparities one day (yes, I'm that health nerd), I realized one of the problems in the healthcare system is not enough African-American providers understanding the cultural needs of the majority of those in the system (not a shocker). Let me tell you real quick my experience getting accepted into PA school back in 1997. First, after applying and receiving notice that I was 1 in over 2,000 applicants being considered, I was extremely surprised to learn that I had made the cut to the final 800. Then I received an invitation to be one of 100 to be interviewed. And I started my official journey into medical training with 45 other fellow PA students. Wow, looking back on it, it's no wonder of the reality- I was only 1 of 2 African-American students in my class. Not good enough! I have been holding free trainings to provide information to the next generation of future Physician Assistant leaders and those who are ready and motivated are invited to join me and a small group of peers to take the journey and join the course - The Successful Path to Becoming a PA - as I guide them every step of the way. I'm excited for our future in the medical field!

Change is in the air!

We recently changed our name on Facebook to Wellness For Life to better accurately describe what we hope to accomplish-- inspiring women (and others) to consider wellness as a lifestyle, not a sometimes do-it-if-I-feel-like-it kind of thing. Check out the new look on Facebook and leave us a comment (click the icon below). It helps us to get found online by more women and is much appreciated! Connect with me on Facebook, email me, or call me to share what other wellness topics you would like to see me highlight. Until next month, stay well!

It's Your Time,



AVOW Health and Wellness

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